Wednesday 21 January 2009

Comparative Analysis - Brief 3 This Is England

This is England - 2006 - Shane Meadows

This film, This Is England is an independent film written and directed by Shane Meadows, the first scene in the opening sequence is the puppet Roland Rat whom was on tv in the 1980's, this gives you the first impression that this film may be set around that time and in fact this film was meant to be set in 1983. The main opening is pretty simple, it's basically lots of footage from important events that i assume happened around the same time that this film is meant to be set in. This opening sequence does not have alot of fancy editing, this is to fit the style of this film and like most of Shane Meadow's filming, not alot of noticable editing which always makes it seem more dramatic. the sequence lasts 3:26 and has 74 shots in the sequence

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