Wednesday 28 January 2009


  1. Close up of feet for character. - 6 seconds
  2. Pan shot from his feet up his legs, showing titles move down the legs of the character. titles shaped around leg. 8 seconds
  3. Cuts to a close up of the persons hand, still not showing his face Titles. 10 seconds
  4. Cuts to a long shot looking outside a window, looking where the character is. 10 seconds
  5. Zooms out from window and spins across to silhouetted corpse 13 seconds
  6. Cuts to a close up of the knife, blood stained, dipping 14 seconds
  7. Mid shot behind the corpse still silhouetted, Light shining from the window into the character 10 seconds
  8. Zooms into a close up to the back of the corpses head still silhouetted but can just see the faint details. 14 seconds
  9. Birds eye view mid shot looking at the corpse still silhouetted, camera spinning around the body for afew seconds while the titles come on and go. 17 seconds
  10. Dialogue starts while camera goes slightly closer but is still spinning 17 seconds
  11. Close up of blood dripping, cuts to red at the end 19 seconds
Every Shot has titles, thats why they are so long.

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